How to Become a Philanthropist with Little to No Money?

How to Become a Philanthropist with Little to No Money?

If you had millions and billions of dollars, you would donate some. After all, it’s one of the most fulfilling feelings. However, only 1.1% people of the global population, has a million dollars.

Does that mean that only those 1.1% of people can become philanthropists? NO. Anyone and everyone can become a philanthropist if they want to be one.

Before you jump in with the question – How? You must know the exact definition of philanthropist which is more meaningful than the popular belief.


A popular definition: A person who aims to improve the well-being of others, especially by generously donating money to good causes.

Actual Definition: “A philanthropist is someone who donates resources, often including time and expertise but always including substantial financial resources, to a particular cause, area, or social issue. Philanthropists are not necessarily wealthy, as philanthropic causes require time & expertise as much as money.” Charities Aid Foundation

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This means, anyone with a passion for leaving an impact, the expertise & skills to make the change happen and or time to contribute towards the bigger cause can become a philanthropist.

For example, you can start by donating $10 every month. Or you can register with any not-for-profit organization as a volunteer. Or provide your free expertise to a foundation working for a cause. All these contributions count as acts of philanthropy.


If you wish to take it more seriously and decide that you want to become a philanthropist, there are endless possibilities.

  • First, you must know or find out why you want to become a philanthropist.
  • Secondly, set some goals of how you want to contribute and for which cause.
  • Lastly, prepare a strategy on how often, and in which capacity you want to get involved.


You may have seen your grandparents or parents making random donations and you may wonder what the need was! Well, in most cases, it would be the cause which they can relate to but also it is because they have understood the value of giving back. But you don’t have to wait till you get old. Even if you are a teenager or a Gen Z person, you can start philanthropy at a young age when money is always tight, but time and passion are high.

If you do so, you are not alone. As per Spire Philanthropy, almost one in five Canadians between the ages of 13 and 19 are volunteering at least forty hours in service of their communities.Quote by Michael Bloomberg

You can donate in small amounts occasionally or regularly. With the Second Chance Scholarship Foundation, you can choose to donate once or monthly. You can donate as low as $3 to start with.


When it comes to donating, there is no single “best” or “right” cause. It’s important to choose a cause that is meaningful to you and where your contribution can make a real difference.

The Second Chance Scholarship Foundation offers scholarships to young people who have been involved in the justice system and are now seeking a second chance through education. By providing these youths with a second chance, we can help them avoid a future of hardship and struggle. Your support can make a meaningful difference in their lives. Click here to donate to the Second Chance Scholarship Foundation.

If you think you can relate to the cause that the Second Chance Scholarship Foundation is working on, here are 7 compelling reasons to help you make that decision.


The Interesting thing is that you can build a career out of philanthropy too. If you believe that an organization’s mission is something you are passionate about, you can apply to join them professionally too. Careers in philanthropy can be found in human resources, finance, marketing, management, and other fields. Successful philanthropic careers require skills such as communication, research, empathy, and leadership.


The law of attraction states that we receive from the universe what we put out into it. Philanthropy is all about finding fulfillment. If you observe famous philanthropists, you’ll notice that none of them have become poor by giving. The secret lies in selecting a cause close to your heart, one where you can leave a lasting impact and legacy.

Remember, philanthropy isn’t reserved for the wealthy or affluent; it’s a journey open to anyone with a generous spirit and a desire to make a difference.

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  • lola April 5, 2024 8:12 pm

    Every dollar makes a difference …… Nice one

    • Sonal Padhiyar April 8, 2024 9:29 pm

      Thank you!

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